3 Fish Cakes Recipes | Seafood Recipes


3 Fish Cakes Recipes | Seafood Recipes

Asian fishcakes quickly

3 Fish Cakes Recipes | Seafood Recipes


The most effortless kind of cooking, these delicious fishcakes can be made in minutes. They're rustic with a stunning design and delicious. Serve it straight up, with noodles or rice, or in a pita.


One lemongrass stick

12 fresh flowers of coriander and a 6cm chunk of ginger (15g)

500 grams of skinless, non-boneless, and sustainably sourced salmon fillets

Four tablespoons of jam that is hot


Remove the lemongrass's hard outer shell by smashing it against the work surface.

Peel the ginger and then cut it, as well as the interior of the lemongrass, and the majority of the coriander stalks, coriander, and all into fragile pieces. Keep a few leaves, and then place them in a bowl of water that is cool.

On top of the mix on your board, cut the Salmon into 1-inch pieces. Then push one-half of the work towards one side.

The remaining ingredients are chopped until tiny, like ice cream. Add the more significant pieces and season with black pepper and sea salt.

Divide into four pieces, then press them into patties that measure 2cm thick.

One tablespoon of olive oil will be heated to medium-high in an enormous nonstick fry pan.

The patties must be cooked on each side for at least 2 minutes or up to brown.

Incorporate a small amount of water in the pan, then turn off the heat and shake the pan to coat the fishcakes in chili jam.

Serve with the coriander you've drained freshly chopped.



I'm using fresh Salmon; however, if you only use frozen Salmon, you can also employ white fish or prawns.

Absent lemongrass? Use lemon zest in its place.

fried sweet potato cakes

3 Fish Cakes Recipes | Seafood Recipes


Whitefish is an excellent choice as it is shallow in fat and nutrient-dense. For instance, fish is a fantastic iodine source, vital for a healthy brain.


1,000 potatoes

Sweet potatoes, 500 g

Two peppers, red

virgin extra olive oil

Two tablespoons of Tabasco chipotle sauce

500g of skinless, pin-boned white fish fillets that are sustainable sources

one cucumber

one iceberg lettuce

English mustard One heaping teaspoon

Natural yogurt Four heaping teaspoons of natural yogurt

14 teaspoons white vinegar

feta cheese, 40 g

Half a bunch of mint leaves (15g)

One lemon


Sweet potatoes and potatoes of them weigh 500g. They are best cleaned (leaving the skins intact for additional nutrition benefits), cut into pieces 3 cm in size, and simmered for 15 minutes or until cooked in a pot of salted and boiling water. Then drain, let it cool, steam dry, and smash it.

Two red peppers should be blackened using high temperature on a griddle pan or a direct flame, frequently rotating until burned and blistered.

Place the plant in a bowl, cover it with cling film, and allow it to sit for about 10 minutes. Then, scrape away most of the skin, and discard the seeds and stalks. Chop the vegetables finely and toss in two tablespoons of chipotle Tabasco sauce and one tablespoon of olive oil that is extra virgin.

500g of white fish fillets must be cut into 1-inch pieces and mixed into the cold mash, along with some black pepper and sea salt. Eight balls evenly sized of the mixture must be created. Patties must be 3cm thick.

Two sizeable nonstick frying pans containing one tablespoon of olive oil must be cooked at a low temperature (or in batches). Cook four fishcakes per pan for five minutes on each side or until golden. They are gently flipping the fish slices. Do not be concerned that they may split or crack a little bit; they're lightweight, chunky fishcakes that can be enjoyed with a fork.

Peel one cucumber and cut it into halves lengthwise, remove the liquid center, then cut it into thin slices. Single iceberg lettuce must be scrubbed clean of the worn-out leaves before being finely chopped into pieces of 1cm.

Both of them should be put in a bowl, along with one teaspoon of English mustard, four heaping tablespoons of yogurt, and one tablespoon of white wine vinegar. After mixing thoroughly, the two:

  1. Taste them, season according to taste, and garnish the dish with about 40g of crumbled feta.
  2. Choose half a bunch of fresh mint leaves.
  3. Chop them coarsely, and incorporate them (15g).

Serving the fishcakes with salsa, plenty of lemon wedges, and lettuce to squeeze over is suggested.

Fishcakes from Michela

3 Fish Cakes Recipes | Seafood Recipes

Fantastic recipes for washing that your kid will love


one sweet potato (250g)

250 grams of skinless, pin-boned whitefish or Salmon from sustainably sourced sources

Milk in 500 ml

Peas froze in 100 grams

Two substantial free-range eggs

One lemon can be a substitute for the other.

100g of Ryvita crackers, oats, or Ryvita crackers

olive juice


The oven should be set to gas or charge in the range of 190 degrees Celsius. 5.

Cut the fish into two cm cubes. Then, cut and peel into sweet potatoes. Mix the sweet potato and the fish in a medium-sized saucepan. In a small saucepan, add just enough milk to fully cover the fish and then boil the mixture over high temperatures.

When it's at an unbeatable boil, reduce the temperature to a simmer to cook potatoes for 5 to 8 mins up to when they're soft. Add the peas after a couple of minutes. Keep a small amount of milk from the poaching process, then drain and blend.

Just take what you require for your baby, and adjust the consistency using a portion of the milk stored.

Include one egg that has been cracked along with the juice of one lemon to the mash left over for children and adults. After lightly seasoning the dish with black pepper and sea salt and thoroughly mixing, put the finished meal in the refrigerator for a few hours to chill.

Mix the egg and a pinch of sea salt in a more small dish. Blend the oats or crackers with a food processor until fine. Then, put the mix in a shallow bowl.

One spoonful of the mixture should be shaped into small patties. The patties ought to be submerged into the egg without allowing any drop-off that is left and then coated with breadcrumbs.

Repeat with the other ingredients. Place each onto a baking tray. You should get approximately 12 patties.

Sprinkle with a bit of oil and cook for about 15 or 20 mins or until golden brown, turning the pan once halfway through and then allow cool slightly. Great with a salad of fresh greens or other seasonal greens.

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